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Contact information

Listed below is the contact information for those responsible for the environment and weed management.  This information is current as at May 2016.  Please check their websites for the latest contact updates.

Government departments

Federal Minister for the Environment
The Hon Sussan Ley MP

Shadow Federal Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Water

Terri Butler MP

Industry Resources for Invasive Plants (Weeds):

Department of Primary Industries


New South Wales
Department of Primary Industries


Territory & Municipal Services


Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Biosecurity

Federal Government

State Minister for Environment

The Hon. Lily D'Ambrosio MP

Shadow State Minister for Environment David Morris MP

State Government

Local councils

The 79 Victorian councils undertake a range of activities in order to protect and enhance their local environment, including climate change adaptation and mitigation, and management of waste, water, native vegetation, and roadside weeds and pests.

MAV supports council environmental activities through policy analysis, advice and advocacy, project support and management, and by building collaborative relationships with other levels of government and key stakeholders.

Councils are the "hands on" body responsible for weed control and eradication.  Please contact the environmental weed officer at your council offices.   See full list of Councils in Victoria.


Shire of Yarra Ranges Weed Management Officer, Paul Smitka -

Parks Victoria

Knox City Council Weed Management Officer, Nadine Gaskell -

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